Ministry Team

St. Matthew’s Life Teen and Edge CORE Teams

“What the young need today are not adults who will hand over information, but adults who will in a sense hand over themselves and the secret of their own faith… Adolescents need adults who are willing to take the time to enter their lives and walk along with them on a journey of faith.” ~ Michael Warren “A Future for Youth Catechesis”

 “Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, until the end of the age.” Matthew 28:19-20

What is a CORE Team Member?

Our youth need devoted adults who, led by the Holy Spirit and journeying with Christ in their own life, will walk along side of our young people, helping them to grow and mature as disciples of Christ. This group of individuals is known as the CORE Team.

The role of an adult CORE team member is to work together with the Youth Minister in building the ministry program for adolescent youth, providing a safe environment and serving as role models while participating in the dynamic life of the Church.

What the Teens Need from Youth Ministry:

Changing the youth world happens one teen at a time. Teens do NOT connect to programs; they connect to people. The most effective way to influence teens is through a significant relationship with key people in their lives. Our goal is to develop leaders who will walk the journey to Christ with teens.

Teens need adults who will:

  • Love God and live for Him
  • Be interested in their lives
  • Take the initiative to spend time with them
  • Pray for them
  • Be authentic (real)
  • Say encouraging words
  • Believe in them
  • Laugh
  • Go to “their world”
  • Remember their names and care for them
  • Share God’s love through personal experience
  • Be consistent to to the programs
  • Be patient
  • Enjoy life and live the seven essential values (Love, Evangelization, Joy, Vocation, Affirmation, Authenticity, Eucharistic Spirituality)

The 7 Core Values of Life Teen and Edge

  • LOVE – “We love because He first loved us” – 1 John 4:19. We must strive in all moments and circumstances to love others as Christ loved. This foundation, simple in premise and command, serves as the basis for our ministry.
  • EVANGELIZATION – We speak truth to God’s people, inviting them to know Him more deeply. Driven by a desire for all to know the mercy and love of God the Father.
  • JOY – We live by an unrelenting belief in the goodness of God, and in His desire not for our momentary happiness, but our everlasting life. The spirit of our youth and worship ministries is one of pure joy, keeping life in perspective and allowing the peace of God to reign in our hearts, regardless of what the world might bring at any given moment.
  • VOCATION – We maintain openness to the call of God in our lives and a willingness to discern, respond and prioritize our lives according to that call. Whether designed for the religious, married, or single life, we not only embrace the vocation we were designed for, but insure that it remains primary, not allowing God’s work in ministry to overtake God’s call to holiness
  • AFFIRMATION – We refuse to be overwhelmed by the negativity pervading our culture. Words and actions are designed by the Creator to bring life to creation, not death. We make every effort and take every opportunity to build up the Kingdom on Earth, rather than tear it down.
  • AUTHENTICITY – We live authentically, not denying our human weakness or shying away from the need for personal improvement, but working towards holiness, with resolve. The world needs quality examples of Catholic men and women who live out their faith. As leaders in ministry, we live our faith authentically, providing the living example of a Christian and giving hope that others, too, can follow Christ.
  • AN EUCHARISTIC SPIRITUALITY – We seek to become one with Christ in all ways. Through a strong devotion to the Blessed Mother, we develop a more profound understanding of Jesus Christ. Through the Holy Scriptures, we grow in sanctity through the Incarnate Word. Through openness to the Charisms of the Holy Spirit, we allow God’s love to permeate this world. Through our frequenting of the Sacraments, especially the Eucharist in Most Holy Communion, we become one with the living God. These intimate experiences with Christ are unmistakable signs of His love.


We may not be the most qualified, the best educated or holiest BUT God has called US to be His servants and ministers in the world. We offer Him our nothingness and in return He gives us everything… Himself. Remember, God doesn’t call the qualified, He qualifies the called.



Our children are the most important gifts God has entrusted to us. As a volunteer, you promise to strictly follow the rules and guidelines listed below.

As a volunteer you will:

  • Treat everyone with respect, loyalty, patience, integrity, courtesy, dignity, and consideration
  • Avoid situations where you are alone with youth at parish activities
  • Use positive reinforcement rather than criticism or comparison when working with youth
  • Refrain from giving expensive gifts to youth without prior written approval from the parents or guardian and the pastor
  • Refuse to accept expensive gives from youth or their parents without prior written approval from the pastor
  • Report suspected abuse to the pastor, or appropriate supervisor and the local Child Protection Services agency or other civil authorities
  • Cooperate fully in any investigation of abuse of youth

As a volunteer, you will not:

  • Smoke or use tobacco products in the presence of youth
  • Use, possess, or be under the influence of alcohol at any time while volunteering
  • Use, possess, or be under the influence of illegal drugs at any time
  • Pose any heath risk to youth (i.e. no fevers or other contagious situations)
  • Strike, spank, shake, or slap youth
  • Touch a youth in a sexual or other inappropriate manner
  • Use any discipline that frightens or humiliates youth
  • Use profanity in the presence of youth
  • Not “like” or “follow” youth on any social media site

Religious Education does not end when a young person receives the sacrament of Confirmation.

In fact, religious education is a life-long process. We invite and encourage young people to join with their peers in this continuing journey. Youth Ministry helps to foster the total personal and spiritual growth of each young adult. Youth Ministry also seeks to draw young people to responsible participation in the faith community.

It is our mission at St. Matthew’s Youth Group to give the youth of our parish an active role in the church. By being open to new people, ideas, and giving back to the community, we enhance the goodness of the human heart. We strive to set an example for tomorrow’s youth while having fun experiencing God’s blessings in different ways. 

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