Eucharistic Ministries

Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion (Eucharistic Ministers)

Catholics believe that through active participation in the Mass and, in a special way, through the reception of Holy Communion at Mass, they are filled with the real presence of Christ and are therefore sent to be Christ’s presence in the world until he comes again in glory. St. Augustine, bishop of Hippo, put it this way in the 5th century:

What you see…is bread and a cup. This is what your eyes report to you. But your faith has need to be taught that the bread is the body of Christ, the cup the blood of Christ…If then, you wish to understand the body of Christ, listen to the Apostle as he says to the faithful, “You are the body of Christ and His members”…You reply “Amen” to that which you are, and by replying your consent… Be a member of the body of Christ so that your “Amen” may be true… Be what you see, and receive what you are”. 

Ministry Description

Bishops, priests, and deacons are the ordinary ministers of Holy Communion. Priests serving in the Diocese of Saint Augustine have been granted the faculty to appoint commissioned Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion to assist with distributing Holy Communion to the faithful.


All candidates for this ministry will receive formation and training. Instruction will deepen their understanding of the theology and celebration of the Most Holy Eucharist, along with practical aspects of ministerial roles in its celebration and liturgical norms to be observed for the reverent distribution of the Holy Communion under both kinds. Continuing, ongoing formation will be provided.


After ministry volunteers have been trained and commissioned, they will receive a schedule with their Mass assignments via email.

Point of Contact
 – Contact Frank Ross if you wish to sign up to become an extraordinary minister of Holy Communion.

Phone 904-388-8698 or E-mail

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